Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lembar Terima Kasih (Edisi Trip ke Indonesia Timur)

Tak terasa sudah enam bulan lebih berlalu sejak perjalanan saya melanglang buana ke arah timur Indonesia. Perjalanan yang luar biasa yang tidak mungkin terjadi tanpa dukungan semesta.

Ini adalah lembar ucapan terima kasih saya kepada orang-orang yang telah membuat perjalanan ini menjadi mungkin bagi saya. Dan teruntuk orang-orang yang saya temui selama dalam perjalanan yang telah banyak membantu atau sekedar mejadi teman jalan yang menyenangkan.

Terima kasih kepada:
  • Pemilik segala nyawa dan penguasa alam semesta.
  • Annastasia Puspaningtyas yang punya ide untuk travelling ke timur Indonesia dalam waktu satu bulan.
  • Fadillah Yuliasari, my lovely sister yang telah memberi dukungan tanpa keraguan sedikitpun atas keputusan gila yang saya buat dan tentu saja sokongan yang diberikan selama saya dalam perjalanan. I couldn’t do this without you.
  • Bartian Rachmat, my lovely brother yang juga mendukung habis-habisan keputusan saya dan tetap memberi semangat lewat telepon-telepon panjang di malam-malam yang juga panjang selama dalam perjalanan.
  • Anto Koboi Insap, my new idol yang telah memberi begitu banyak petunjuk dan membimbing saya tanpa bosan selama dalam perjalanan.

Lalu ada teman-teman selama perjalanan:
  • Chris (Austria) and Gustav (Spain). Thanks for all the crazy trip with motor cycle around Bali and long deep conversation in the middle of the night in Kuta beach.
  • Reza, Dody, Irwan, Ikhsan, Ijal, and Abdu. Thanks for accepting me in your group and for the near death experiences all the way up and down in Rinjani.
  • Yudha and her sister Ranny from Surabaya. Thanks for all your help and treat while we were in Gili Trawangan down to Mataram.
  • Pujia and her lovely family. Thanks for welcoming me in your lovely home in Sumbawa and for taking me to Sarkofagus and a cave (Liang). Well, the sarkofagus was disappointing but the journey was one experience. I’m really sorry I got sick when I was in your house, but your mom and your aunt took a really good care of me, I can’t say enough thanks for that.
  • Ibu Nani, Bapak Dahlan and the whole family in Moyo island. Thanks for accepting me in your home and treat me very well. Also to Lisa, thanks for taking me to a beautiful beach (Taman Wisata) in Moyo island. And for her mom, Ibu Halimah, thanks for letting me sit around in your shop almost all the time while I’m in Moyo. The hospitality in Moyo island was beyond my expectation.
  • Teguh in Calabai. Thanks for giving up your room for me, I really appreciate that. To Bang Chris and Bang Edi, thanks for all the knowledge, storries, and the most exciting experience during my stay in Calabai. Also to Fitri, Ditha, Dina, Om Cindalu, and all nice people in KOMPPAK and Gamping who have make my stay in Calabai unforgetable. Especially to KOMPPAK, please keep up your spirit to do all the great things. I know it won’t be easy but once there is a will, there will always be a way. I hope I can come back to Calabai in 2015 for the commemorate of 200 years of Tambora eruption, and this time I have to climb up there.
  • Adi and Boy, friends of Teguh, thanks for the “susu kuda liar” vaganza in Dompu and especially to Adi for the short chit chat we’ve had. I wish the best for you...
  • Seraina (Switz) and Daniel (Spain), thanks for the nice friendship we’ve had and all good talking all the way to Labuan Bajo from Sape.
  • Bapak Kepala Desa and his family in Komodo island, thanks for letting me stay for one night in your house. Also thanks to all Komodo island villagers for the super hospitality.
  • Sirine (Switz), thanks for sharing one room in Ruteng and also to two Germany guys for sharing the bemo cost to see the ricefield in Ruteng.
  • Fridus in Bajawa. Thanks for all the help in Bajawa, to show me the traditional village with full explanation and also for all the talks we’ve had. Also to your warm and kind family for accepting me in your house. I was really happy to stay there and really appreciate your hospitality. I wish I can come back there in 2014 for the big ceremony of your village, and maybe to climb up Inerie mountain. Hahahaha ....
  • Marcus in Moni, the cute switz guy with green eyes... Thank God we didn’t share the room, that was so close... Hahahaha ....
  • Mbak Dewi di Ende yang membolehkan saya tidur di kamarnya selama 2 malam. Mbak Nita dan mas Hadi yang selalu memastikan perut saya kenyang selama di Ende. Mas Andy yang juga menyediakan kopi-kopi dan ikan bakar. Terima kasih juga untuk tiket gratis ferry-nya.. ;)
  • Yutmen, my dearest host in Kupang. Thanks for the place and food and companion during my stay in Kupang. Terima kasih juga untuk bang Al dan keluarga yang juga menampung kami (saya, Anto, dan Cliff), memastikan perut kami selalu penuh dan menghidangkan kopi-kopi hitam yang nikmat.

Terima kasih sekali lagi untuk semuanya. I love you full! J

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